Getting all the cards in this game is very hard. Here are some tips to get them more easily :
Please note that these tips could be assimilated to cheating by Square-Enix and are probably contrary to some of the conditions of the game.
Getting the tutorial cards
During the tutorial, the game assigns you five cards drawn randomly from among 82 possible cards. These cards used to only be obtained this way. By following the rules, you are missing 77 cards. Even if you know many players, you'll struggle to get them all. If you have two Android phones, a small hack allows you to recover them more or less easily. Connect with your Square-Enix account on one of the phones, but not on the second. Start the game and choose to play in "guest" mode on your secondary smartphone. After completing the tutorial, play the cards received via Bluetooth to your main account. Then erase the application data of the Final Fantasy Portal App from Android settings and start this process over and over. The cards received during the tutorial will again be drawn at random, so you're likely to get new ones. Unfortunately, the last ones may require many fresh installs. This method requires you to download Triple Triad (about 250 MB of data) at each iteration, which should not be too long while connected on a good wi-fi.
Please note that this trick works for Android, but has not been tested on iOS. Also note that it seems impossible to play a game between an Android and an iOS smartphone.
Update : Tutorial cards were progressively introduced in opponent decks. This tip is nowadays outdated.
Getting five stars cards
The appearance of rare cards has a really low rate, roughly estimated between 2% and 5% depending on the decks. Winning them can therefore be long and tedious. The trick is to launch an online game to face against a player located somewhere in the world. Turn off your smartphone Wi-Fi card and / or your mobile data to cut the connection to the server. The game consider the link to the server lost and plays instead of your opponent. Most players having multiple gold cards in their decks, you'll get them pretty easilly if you can win the confrontation. Lucky for you, the artificial intelligence is kind of dumb and you should be able to win some of the games even with lower level cards.
Please note that depending on the time of day and selected rules, you will sometimes have to wait a very long time before finding an opponent.